“I just don’t understand WHY everyone on Earth doesn’t listen to me.
I am without a doubt the most knowledgable person in CrossFit
Don’t even get me started on Global intel.
I invented the piano key neck tie.
I invented it!
I invented the SYSTEM to allocate spots for Semi-Finals.
Europe and Australia are god like, (like me).
I am not many things.
I am not so many things that no one knows what I am
I just don’t understand WHY everyone on Earth doesn’t listen to me.
I am without a doubt the most knowledgable person in CrossFit”
Above is what an ai bot spoke into existance on Instagram.
Obviously there is meant to be a humor found in something serious here.
On November 21st, Brian went Live on his Youtube station with PC.
Find that here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3m3TM3_J0Y
From the 1:30 to the 9:10 mark Brian states who he is not, without ever saying who he is.
While this is not bad by nature, there is an undertone that he is better than everything and everyone that he is letting you know he “isn’t”
This was not his intention, we know this because of a follow up IG post on both his personal page and bfriendlyfitness where he apoligizes to every platform, except The Sevan Podcast.
Fast forward a few weeks and a similar, frustrated, undertone can be heard as he recants on his time spent abroad. Brian proclaims himself, PC, and Bella Martin, as the 3 most well educated in the CrossFit space
You can find that here Starting at 00:18:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxGfxCSp3ho
“CrossFit is going to continue to grow and evolve globally there needs to be uh some kind of an improved kind of you know connection between the CrossFit Game season and everything else……. nevertheless those are you know those are not the global CrossFit Community those are a very very very very very small subsection of it and there’s you know I don’t know if we find the better panel of people who could represent the international cross Global competition Community than the three of us based on what we’ve done these last couple years and so we you know we can say with a lot of clarity and confidence that there are many people.”
Again, nothing inherently wrong with the statement. It is the undertone and the context in which it is being said.
This is also coming off of the back of a Get with the Programming episode where Bill Grundler, Chase Ingraham and Mike Halpin put forth quite a bit of effort in a potential solution to the “strength of feild” issue from the 2023 season.
The sentiment here is that GWTP is inept making this call. (again, undertone is everything)